
Football Thoughts

Al Napp
An observation Euros 2021 Football’s coming home with a semi? I’m locking the doors. — Mr Roger Quimbly (@RogerQuimbly) July 3, 2021 And a question

A Gig an Actual Non-Zoomy Gig - Simon Munnery 'Alan Parker Farewell Tour'

Al Napp
Simon Munnery at the Cambridge Junction, doing the "Alan Parker Farewell Tour", which was also the first gig I had tickets for that was cancelled by covid. The social distancing thing was fine, the comedy was great and it was just so good to be abck at a real life thing. The fact that it was an “Alan Parker” gig was also a nice bit of nostalgia as one of the first gigs M and I went to together was Alan Parker at Southampton Uni.

RIP Rik Mayall

Al Napp

I now "get it" regarding celebrity deaths as Rik Mayall's passing has left me unaccountably bereft. Such a big part of my formative years, and my obsession with comedy.

Twitter Joke Trial

Al Napp
We bloody won. Totally. #twitterjoketrial — Sarah #wearamask (@crazycolours) July 27, 2012