

This is Al Napp's tiny bit of the internet, which I will use to gather together things I have created, seen, or had my interest piqued by. It is also a way for me to move away from Tumblr, my previous web platform of choice, which I no longer want to use. It's also an attempt to make it easier to share things to social media, without Facebook, Twitter etc. being the repository. You can, of course, still find me on all of the socials as it is really hard to fully give them up, so if you want to get in touch, please ping me on one of the following:

This site came about as I had to adopt Hugo for a project at work and found it really easy to use and implement, plus the idea of a static web page in these post Web 2.0 days really appealed 😁.

Send a message

If social media is too complex or retro for your tastes please use the form below to send a message - I am using a cheap service so there’s no fancy redirect back hers, but once message is sent, just hit your back button.